Sign the campaign. A photo of Coul Links showing a beautiful, wild beach landscape.

Coul Links is one of the last areas of undeveloped, species-rich dune habitat in Scotland. It's a spectacular site of environmental and scientific significance, holding several important international environmental designations.

Three years ago American Billionaires Todd Warnock and Mike Keiser tried to build a golf course on top of it. Thousands of you from across the country joined our campaign to defeat that scheme, protecting this rare ecosystem and the wide variety of plant and animal life that calls it home.

The campaign was successful and planning permission was refused in 2020. But now this stunning, publicly accessible site is once again at risk of being exploited for private gain.

A new application for an 18-hole golf course, practice area and car park has been submitted. Swayed by flimsy promises of jobs - regardless of the cost to an irreplaceable wild landscape and the nature and tourism that it supports - Highland Council have narrowly voted to approve the application. They do so in the face of objections from their own planning officers, NatureScot, the RSPB, Ramblers Scotland and the Scottish Wildlife Trust.

Support the fight to protect the links and the rare species that live there by writing to the minister in charge to ask him to once again call in the planning application and reverse this destructive decision.

Sign the campaign to save Coul Links

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